
Thursday, February 18, 2010

Factors Which are affecting our skin and Beauty

Factors Which are affecting our skin and Beauty

The health of skin depends on many factors. Some of these factors
can be controlled while others cannot.


Natural ageing
Throughout life, natural changes occur in the body's chemistry which affect
the function and appearance of the skin.
• Child
Skin is soft and unblemished.
• Adolescent
Shifting hormonal levels, increases in oil gland production, and genetic
predispositions make skin especially susceptible to blemishes.
• Adult
Oil glands become less active so skin becomes drier and less
susceptible to blemishes. The skin loses elasticity, resulting in fine lines
and wrinkles.
• Post-menopause
Shifts in hormonal levels, diminished regeneration of skin cells, and
reduced production of collagen protein cause skin to become dry and
fragile, with much greater likelihood to sag and wrinkle.

Possibly the most damaging of environmental factors is the sun. Over the
years continued exposure to the sun's ultraviolet rays dries out, damages,
and ages skin.

Temperature extremes
Cold temperatures combined with low humidity increase moisture loss to
the skin, leaving it tight and dry. Hot temperatures with low humidity also
remove moisture from the surface, literally "baking" the skin.

Strong wind, especially combined with extreme temperatures and low
humidity, can cause dry and flaky skin. Also, wind-born dust and dirt strike
the skin and stick to the surface, clogging pores and choking the skin.

Smog and other air pollutants stick to the skin, clogging pores.


Sleep is the most simple and basic remedy for the skin. During sleep, skin
renews itself by building new skin cells. Seven to eight hours of sleep a night
is recommended.
Water provides fluid for the body to flush impurities from the system.
Drinking 6-8 glasses of water a day helps improve circulation and speed cell
Food provides vitamins and minerals the body needs to function. There is a
direct correlation between healthy skin and good nutrition. It is extremely
important to eat a balanced and healthy diet.

Regular exercise helps revive circulation and speed blood to the surface of
your skin to regenerate it. Exercise will also help alleviate the negative
effects of stress.

Stress can have drastic effects on the skin, sometimes causing blemishes,
hives, loss of colour, and circles under the eyes. Habitually tense facial
expressions can permanently line your skin. Practice relaxing your facial
muscles in order to avoid frowning or furrowing your brow when under

Toxic substances
These are the most easily controlled factors affecting your skin.
• Smoking constricts facial capillaries, allowing less blood, oxygen, and
nutrients to the surface of the skin, thereby making it look older. Smoking
also wrinkles the skin around the mouth and eyes.
• Alcohol and caffeine are diuretics that can force moisture out of your
• Medication can sometimes adversely affect your skin and make it more


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