
Monday, February 22, 2010

High blood pressure is more serious than many people suspect.

High blood pressure is more serious than many people suspect.

Hypertensives are at greater risk for a stroke, heart attack and other dangerous diseases.
High blood pressure is 140/90 or higher.
Even blood pressure at 130/85 needs to be lowered.

There are number of people across the world who suffer from high blood pressure also called hypertension. It is easy to keep hypertension under control by following a few simple guidelines that we will discuss below:

1. LIMITED ALCOHOL CONSUMPTION: High consumption of alcohol affects high blood pressure. As per the Doctors studies it has been proved that those who do not drink or drink small amount of alcohol suffer less from high blood pressure than those who drink higher amount of alcohol.

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2. TAKE CALCIUM: Consumption of calcium through normal diet seems to have a positive effect in controlling hypertension on some people. In other words calcium is generally good for people having high blood pressure.

3. BE VEGETARIAN: Vegetarians have been shown to have lower blood pressure than those who are non vegetarian. SO being a vegetarian may not be such a bad idea.

4. REGULAR WEIGHT CHECK: An obese person suffers more from hypertension than people having normal weight. If an obese person reduces a few kilos, they can achieve a near normal blood pressure even though they are still somewhat fat.

5. ADD POTASSIUM: Addition of the mineral potassium either through regular diet or through supplements may be valuable in controlling high blood pressure. Studies have show that maintaining a correct balance of the minerals sodium and potassium in your diet can help regulate hypertension.

6. CUT DOWN ON SALT: People should generally consume less salt in their diet. A little cut on the salt intake may produce a good effect on hypertension.

7. TRY AEROBICS AND AVOID ISOMETRICS: Studies have shown that aerobic exercise has a better effect on high blood pressure as compared to isometrics exercises such as weight lifting. Even including moderate amounts of swimming and walking into your exercise routine can be beneficial for hyper tension.

8. MEASURE YOUR BLOOD PRESSURE: People should take steps to regularly check their blood pressure at home. It provides feedback about how your diet, exercise and medication are affecting your blood pressure.

9. DON’T TALK MUCH: Arguing and fighting with people can leads to high blood pressure. So by being calm and quiet and talking less, you can improve your blood pressure.

10. CHECK YOUR SPOUSE’S PRESSURE, TOO: It is must for the people suffering from high blood pressure to check their spouse’s blood pressure because of their shared stress or other emotional factors. It is seen that the longer two people are married, the more similar their blood pressure readings become.

11. JUST BE HAPPY: Your emotions and health go hand in hand. Especially when it comes to hypertension. So leading a happy life can reduce high blood pressure.
Blood Pressure Treatment using Drugs and Other Therapies
Start Exercising - Methods to control Blood Pressure

Exercise allowed 60 percent of those taking medication to give it up. Even low-intensity exercise can help attain lower blood pressure. On the average, blood pressure increases 6.5 systolic points for every ten pounds you gain.
Take It Easy: Stress may be a factor in hypertension

Stress-Management techniques must become habitual in order to work.
Choose Food Wisely Eat less Salt - Blood Pressure Treatment

Some people are more sensitive to salt than others. Rinsing some foods can remove a substantial amount of salt.
Reducing saturated fats can also drive pressure down - Blood Pressure Treatment

Some fats cancel the bad effects of saturated fats.
Potassium may reduce blood pressure by booting out sodium and water

To retain potassium-steam, don’t boil vegetables.

Calcium helps rid the body of sodium, which may fight high blood pressure.

An omega-3 fatty acid in certain fish may reduce blood pressure.

A person with high blood pressure can cut the risk of heart attack in half by giving up smoking.

Moderate drinkers may actually have lower blood pressure than nondrinkers.
So use nutrilite products mentioned in my earliar post and save yourself and others.

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